PVR Cinema’s CSR vertical, PVR NEST in association with Municipal Corporation of Delhi recently launched, ‘Garima Grih’, a one-of-its-kind public health infrastructure for women and children living in Delhi’s disadvantaged communities. Informed by SDGs and aligned with the government’s Smart Cities Mission, Swachh Bharat Mission, AMRUT 2.0 and National Skill Development Mission, the first centre of Garima Grih has been set up at Jawahar Camp, New Delhi. This centre will serve various needs of more than 10L people residing in areas of Jawahar Camp, Chuna Bhatti Camp and Harijan Camp in Kirti Nagar.
VDIS had been commissioned to conceptualise, design and build the Graphic language and Signage scheme for Garima Grih.
Speaking on the launch of Garima Grih, Ms. Deepa Menon, Founder Head, PVR NEST said, “The social relevance and the impact which the ‘Pink Centres’ created, inspired us to take an ambitious step towards expanding the scope of our Safe Centres catering to a wider demographic and bring disadvantaged communities to the mainstream. Urban spaces like ‘Garima Grih’, a one-of-its-kind unique concept of multi-utility safe centre have the ability to create sustainable jobs which in turn leads to socio-economic development among women”.
The branding and signage scheme has been inspired by this socio-economic transformation that Garima Grih endeavours to achieve.